The Minor Skin service operates from within the Redcar Primary Care Hospital on West Dyke Road, Redcar and is delivered from a dedicated theatre adjacent to the Ravenscar Medical Practice. There is a large free car park attached to the hospital and an onsite pharmacy.

The service offered is for minor skin conditions that would not normally be undertaken in general practice but is suitable for undertaking in a community setting by a skilled clinician.
Following referral by the General Practitioner, patients of 16 years of age upwards, are seen within the Minor Skin service within a maximum period of 8 weeks following referral. Patients are consulted and a decision treat under local anaesthetic is made within the same appointment. A wound review appointment is offered to the patient and then discharged from the minor skin service.
We have the privilege to work with one of the leading local plastic surgeons from the South Tees Foundation Hospital Trust and together with the experienced theatre assistants we offer a complete same day treatment to patients.
Common cases suitable for the minor skin service are listed below:
- Local flaps
- Skin Lesions anywhere on the body (i.e. Head & Neck, Trunk and Extremities)
- Basal Cell Carcinoma (of appropriate size)
- Pigmented and non-pigmented naevi
- Seborrhoeic Keratosis
- Actinic Keratosis
- Bowen’s Disease
- Keratoacanthoma
- Epidermoid cysts/sebaceous cysts
- Cutaneous tags and papillomas
- Dermatofibroma
- Lipoma